
DHB rain defense Jacket review 短袖防雨騎行服short sleeves Jersey

Packable:    ★ Since this is a Jacket with Polartec, it's bulky then normal Long/ Short jersey, more like a softshell. Polartec 料比較厚身, 比一般Jersey/Jacket 都厚, 比較貼近 Softshell. Water Resist: ★★★ Splash Rain can take up to 2 hours as personal experience, pouring rain is better to wear some jacket like Rapha Core Rain Jacket with seal Zipper 實測驟雨可以頂到兩個鐘左右, 長時間大雨都係會入雨 Style: ★★★ Pretty nice outfit and sizing was slight larger or loose than usual jersey as this is a "Jacket" Overall: Material, High Neck Design, it's good for chill, cool rainny spring season around 15-25 degree. And Match with a Wind Jacket/Long Base layer is a Good Combination for 10-15 degree as well.  Extra Length of Back Hem helped a lot to get less wet of your Bibs.

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自從踩單車之後,其他生活購物都少左好多, 慢慢地中毒,百行騎為先=,= 因為踩車關係大大個銀包已經放在背囊無拎出黎好耐, 只會放大張單據,少用既會員卡同信用卡. 由大個既散銀包, 卡套, 鋁RFID銀包下刪N個(遲D會POST番, 但暫時今次 呢個終於算係乎合我踩車兼日常用既銀包(80分) 小編想要既銀包要有以下功能 1.體積細薄, 重量輕 2.可以打直放港幣500蚊紙 3.有個細散銀格 4.有RFID BLOCK 同無BLOCK既卡位 5.價錢抵買 體積: 左邊係出名細既PIXEL 4A (5.8") 最右既係一張普通卡片SIZE 銀紙位: 本身銀包有個將紙幣完全攝入去既暗格(防跌?) 但可能係設計俾細將D既紙幣例如美金果類. 港紙攝入去拎出黎用唔係太方便 因為佢有個散銀格做到銀紙夾功能所以就錦放我覺得OK. 散銀格: 呢個散紙格其實真心雞左D, 應該只可以放到3個1蚊HAHAHA 除左我想要功能, BONUS仲有 SIM CARD格 將散紙格放落黎就係會見到RFID 卡BLOCK 位 價錢係2位數人仔. 去到一定VIEW數再放簡單片同 淘寶LINK 呢個銀包暫時出車應該幾好, 番工背囊有大銀包既SUPPORT下 食LUNCH淨係拎呢個OK, 搭車日常用還可以,  稍為無之前1按彈卡鋁RFID卡盒果個禁方便,而且呢個亦無獨立間格放細張既單之類. 但重量同厚薄都比 鋁盒+皮銀包 好好多, 輕細到成日唔知褲袋有銀包係度. 大愛!

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尖東或鑽石山交收 - 不定期更新 聯絡方法: 小編FACEBOOK店 MESSAGE我 Free 君子鎖一把 伸縮壞左 USB 電安前燈 免費 ,  青蛙MOUNT損壞需要用快拆索帶固定 電量大約2小時  

香港單車服裝、精品配件品牌 HK Cycling Clothing

Image - About  Caai Cycling Club   小編早兩年認識了 Caai (當時尚未成立) 的其中兩位Founder, 其中Mr. Sung Man 是一位傳媒人並熱愛單車文化, 萬事以型為先的Rider, 一直鑽研各大小歐美傳統單車品牌的News 和Old News(History).  品牌設計師 HoiKi 踩車經驗在品牌成立時只有一年, 但一直熱愛戶外運動, 擁有甜美笑容和天生作為Sales的人才,及Selfie 界顯白神器稱號(站在旁邊馬上變白)     “Caai”「踩」means “pedalling” / “riding” in Cantonese.  #caai Caai現時最為人熟悉產品當然是單車襪, 以下係最新意大利製造Edizione Oro 系列. 小編都買左對粉紅色Happy Ride 同之前一版歐洲造的957(TMS 波波Height). Sofar著過幾次,十分貼, 染色效果很討好! 藍色曾見過主理人宋文襯皮鞋超靚    Pelo Apparel  Pelo Apparel 由在香港的外國Cyclist 成立的品牌, Pelo希望製造 價錢單車仔負擔得起, 而且付合低碳足印, 使用回收材料, 可回收原材料及生物降解材料 製造高質素單車衣物 WebSite: IG: @peloapparel Happy Cycling Workshop facebook@happycyclingworkshop 設計售賣日本布料 小編曾於運動市集見過. 很日系設計,原來曾經同Rapha有過 upcycling 既 Collaborate  唔知幾錢呢>_<

Avoid China Carbon Frameset failure brand Archive

Image    VeloBuild: 跌短腳. 網站 2021, the company has officially renamed it the "Flat Surface Non-Downhill Carbon Fiber Bike."   Case1 " I have the VB-068 and there's easily eough space for 28c up front, but out back, I have 25c and the frame is so damn flexy that I'm getting scuff marks on my GP5k sidewalls in 25c- and there's an easy 5mm of clearance on both sides of the tire. I'm honestly getting more and more dissappointed with this frame-" Case2 I wanted to offer an update on the velobuild VB-R-099 I picked up a few months ago. The bikes was ordered as raw carbon with clear coat but was delivered painted black. Not a huge issue but not what I wanted. The axles were also the incorrect lengths for the frame. The front is 15mm


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