
Showing posts from February, 2013

廣交會 香港交易會 Canton Fair HK fair ical schedule

最近在發挖ical 的用處, 之前subscribe 了  香港公眾假期  , 我也想試做一個, 於是題材方面便用了工作有關的 廣交會schedule 了, 因為以前一向感覺很難找齊canton fair, HK airport global sources 和 wan Chai HKTDC trade show (雖然這次覺得比以前易) 試了一會暫時未試到如何publish (因為小弟的電腦是 MAC OSX10.6, 只support 已停止服務既mobile me, 所以未能成功publish. 這次只是小試春交會, 日後學會publish 後會整一個整年既schedule, 希望幫到做Trade 或者公司要就呢d 日子book 機票酒店既朋友 請從下連結下載 Canton<>HK fair schedule .ics Import Instruction: 1. Click the files one by one 2. Ical will start and show"Add a new events" 3. please choose "new calendar" from the list 4. in ical choose View> by Week or by Month, i prefer by week then you can see the events have attachment or not. and also week view , the all day event will shown at the top, so will not influence daily notice, of course can change view as every time we need. ps: 有空請看看小弟的手機配件編, 多多支持