Dahon MUSL D9 vs K3 Plus 評論 真是MUSL 等級? so cheap compare other MU SL?

近年大熱DAHON MUSL D9 憑性能尺寸平衡拘佳16吋輪組, 9速 能做到10KG以下, 9.74KG 售價細鋪亦$4000有找"平易近人" 但MUSL D9 真的跟DAHON 過往MU旗艦級摺疊車用料設計同級? 我地由車架設計, 配置, 型號中希望揾到蛛絲馬跡. 雖然香港將PAA693 命名為MUSL D9 (SRP HK$4380), 但有外國網友指出, 按PAA693 型號指示, 693的3即是3級車, 配上Sora和Altus混搭或DAHON自家(網傳是順泰SENSAH)的入門9速變速系統 而上一架MUSL系列是PAA095 (SRP HK$12800) 配上SRAM X9高階變速件 而且其實外國所用名稱只是DAHON AIRSPEED 並未有用上MUSL稱號, 所以預計車架用料定位都有一定分別. 而型號更貼近mup8 PAA083 也就是尺寸少一點的DAHON MUP8 DAHON FB GROUP 原文: Dahon MU SL D9 Of course not as good as Mu SL. This used to be called Dahon Airspeed and is a variation of Dahon Curve. And as the name says it is a D9 level quality and not as good as SL. Dahon MU SL is paa693, meaning it is a third grade bike (the last digit) in dahon scale. the previous musl was paa095, meaning that one was 5th grade. completely different class. for your information, the code for mup8 was PAA083. that means the new one is rather a smaller mup8.